Title Image
TARUS Claymill LCMT Gen 3 - GM Advanced Design Interior
TARUS Claymill LCMT Gen 3 - GM Advanced Design Interior 02
LCMT 5-Axis Claymill - TARUS - Image Credit: General Motors
TARUS Transportation Design Studio Surface Plates 05
TARUS Transportation Design Studio Surface Plates 06
TARUS Transportation Design Studio Surface Plates 07

TARUS Design Studio Surface Plates

Model surface plate with optional integrated lifting tables or model rotation tables


Low construction costs and better fit especially in multi-story buildings. Minimal pit depth means simple, near-grade installation.
Accommodates versatile requirements; available with compact or full sized surface plates
Custom designed to any studio requirement
Choice of cast iron or fabricated steel
Seamless integration with TARUS Claymill machines and surrounding floors
Entire configuration engineered and manufactured by TARUS

Image 1, 2, 3, & banner credit: General Motors